Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Quit Smoking

I was watching Oprah reruns on Hallmark just now. The topic was quit smoking or as she says it, breathe easy..because when you say quit smoking, it gives a negative sign to the brain.
I have to agree to one extend with the doctors who came to talk and motivate people to quit smoking on the show. They said it all depends on the person themselves, if they really want to stop it, surely it can be done.
A lot of things influence someone to start smoking and also to stop smoking. Ben Affleck stoped because of his daughter. Some quit with external factors, like nagging from wives or girl friends or even friends. Some quit because of internal rejection, thats when they realise themselves that what they are doing is wrong. But even the best wouldn't be able to quit if they don't get a bit of help.
They have few types of medicine that can help you to kick the habit. Nikotine patches and some other drugs which I can't remember the other names though..they mentioned that all the help you can get is on oprah.com. Go see la for yourselves. They made one good point, those who say that they have lessen their intake of ciggarette smokes, doesnt necessarily mean they will succeed quitting. It doesn't happen that way because every ciggaratte stick that you have will make you wanna have another and another.
Somehow all these suppose to make sense. Does it? It doesn't to me...hahaha

Tell me if you manage to kick the habit ok? I wanna know.


Che underscore Lee said...

ahahaha still cant quit... tak try pun :P

Anonymous said...

Im trying. My reason is very simple: Vanity :(