Monday, August 18, 2008

Bits and pieces

So, it is mid-august. doesn't time pass when you have so many things happening?

It is all about personal gain nowadays, long gone times when people put others up-front before themselves. I don't understand that at all. I have never been that way. I will try my best to put my own benefits back, and put other's needs first. Some don't get it, as they think I want something from them, and some think I am just being kind, and don't really mean it...but I do!

I don't know aobut others, but for me, when I consider someone as a good friend. I will not hide anything from them. Why should you? It is not like they are going to do what you are going to do, or even try to stop you from doing something right? If they do, then they are not your friends.
One more thing, what is this matter about, I don't want to tell you anything because I don't know if you would understand or misunderstand. Crap I tell you, just crap.

Life is a big drama for some of us. Being mysterious doesn't make you intersting, it makes you annyoing, as you always don't open up and people get sick of you. correct? go ponder.
I had the pleasure of attending mel's wedding dinner. It was nice as all of us were there, a big party!! congrats mel & raphael!
One more thing is, I am a person who like to lend a helping hand where and when neccesary. I dislike people who come to me only when they need anything or something like that. I prefer genuine people who will be there when i need them too..whole lot of emotions dumped here..HAHAHHAHA
Our first medal eh? Silver somemore dont play play! i like badminton, but i prefer swimming and tracks. Something that finishes fast so that i don't get bored! hahaha

I need to highlight this that Malaysians should buckle up their english. I am nto saying I am good at it, I am not so good at it either, but come on, simple things also cannot spell means how la dei?

May GOD bless all of us.

1 comment:

Che underscore Lee said...
