Wednesday, April 12, 2006


It's hard to explain. I don't know how i feel anymore. The times when everything comes crashing down and you can do is sit back and watch. Iknow i am not very good with words. I know, i suck at confronting. So, what should i do? Enjoy the show? Let life take its course? Or should i direct it to where i want it to go? Direct myself out of insanity that covers every single step that i take? As dumb and utterly useless this post may sound, it makes all the sense in the world to me. My brain is cluttered.

I feel ignored, i feel left out. I feel I can only see the back now..

Everyone with their worries, i feel responsible. Is this out of love? or plain stupidity?

Stop you fool! Look at your path first, it is filled with thorns and poking stones. It is uneven. Do something about it, or you are going to hurt yourself really bad.

Wait a minute, you already have, but what? I need more, i need pain, suffering. Is that what i have in store for myself? Laughter and Happy moments are for others. I only deserve torture?

I am trying, it is just too hard. Trust me, i am not a fool. I am just an innocent young boy who needs a helping hand to be guided. Don't balme anyone, it is me,myself and I.

I know i deserve better, i know i do. But, where do I get it?

Friends? I doubt, True love? I don't have any, Family? Possibility 0%.

End of the day, you realise you got nothing to live anymore. You call this useless?

All the problems in the world could never counter the problems I have in my head.

People, stop ignoring as this may cause a life.

Feelings are delusional. Look for something solid.

Original? It might help but innovation is mother of all creativeness. Go with the flow, you will get there someday.

Clean your feet and start walking. But, this time clear the path, ignore the crowd, you STAND ALONE.


Curlz~ said...

Let go..

Anonymous said...

you are jus thinking too much....n the phrase "no any problems in the world can counter d pain" is totally untrue....

i think u should jus stop worrying too much...n get the best out of everything ur doing...let it be work or play...

do tc bro!!!